Cookie Policy for ILM Roshan

This is the Cookie Policy for ILM Roshan, accessible from

What Are Cookies

This website utilizes cookies, which are little files that are transferred to your computer to enhance your experience, as is standard procedure for practically all professional websites. This page describes the information they gather, what we do with it, and when we might need to store these cookies. We’ll also explain how to stop these cookies from being saved, although doing so can make certain parts of the website less useful or even “broken.”

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for the many purposes listed below. Regretfully, most of the time there aren’t any industry-standard ways to disable cookies on this website without also entirely blocking the services and functionality they provide. If you are unsure whether you require cookies or not, it is advised that you leave all of them enabled in case they are needed to deliver a service that you find useful.

Disabling Cookies

You may prevent cookies from being set by adjusting your browser’s settings (for details, consult the Help section of your browser). Please be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of many other websites you visit, including this one. Generally, several services and functionality of our website become inoperable when you disable cookies. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep cookies enabled. This policy was aided in its development by the Cookies Policy Generator.

The Cookies We Set

Email newsletters-related cookies

This website provides email and newsletter subscription services; cookies may be used to remember if you have previously registered and whether to display certain alerts that may be exclusive to users who have subscribed or unsubscribed.

surveys related cookies

We occasionally provide user surveys and quizzes to better understand our user base, give you useful tools, or bring you intriguing insights. Cookies may be used by these polls to keep track of respondents who have already completed them or to provide you with correct results when you switch between pages.

Forms related cookies

When you provide information via a form, including those on contact sites or comment forms, cookies could be used to store your user information for interaction in the future.

Cookies from Third Parties

We occasionally utilize cookies that have been supplied by reliable third parties. The third-party cookies that this website may use are listed in the section below.

This website makes use of Google Analytics, one of the most popular and reliable analytics platforms available online, to collect data on user behaviour and identify areas for improvement. To keep creating interesting content, these cookies may monitor things like how long you spend on the website and the sites you visit.
Visit the official Google Analytics website for further details on cookies used by Google Analytics.

A DoubleClick cookie is used by the Google AdSense service, which we employ to deliver adverts, to provide more relevant ads across the web and to restrict the number of times an ad appears to you.

Visit the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ for further details about AdSense.

We also utilize social media plugins and/or buttons on our website, which enable you to engage with your social network in many ways. Which of the following social media sites’ features have you included in your website? 12}, for things to work, will set cookies through our website. These cookies could be used to enhance your platform profile. or add to the information they already have for the different uses specified in their own privacy rules.

More Information:

Hopefully, that makes things clearer for you. As was previously said, in case something interacts with a function you use on our site, it’s typically safer to leave cookies enabled if you’re not sure if you need it or not.

Please read the Cookies Policy page for more general information about cookies.

However, if you’re still interested in learning more, you may get in touch with us via one of our recommended channels:
